Thursday, September 10, 2020

Last Shift

     Candy woke up late. That was the first thing. Then she was late to class, and late to work. She had a choice. Just say she was sorry or make a big stink out of everything and walk out, and, well, maybe it was the lack of money in her pocket or maybe it was the fact that she fought with her boyfriend the previous night or maybe she just didn't get enough sleep but she chose to do the latter.

     And so she walked out to an uncertain future. but she was absolutely sure she had made the right decision. Except for the money part. That was the part she was unsure of.

     She had some time to kill. If she went back to the apartment, she would get into a fight. The pretty constant fight, about money. Where to get it, how much they had, what they should do with it. It was never-ending. Well, it wasn't completely never-ending, because Candy had an idea to leave the situation entirely, just like she had left the situation at the restaurant.

     She had to gameplan, though. It was not something she could manage overnight.

     The time ticked slowly, waiting for her new job, at the grocery market. It seemed so impossible, this transition, waiting on money, waiting on enough money, leaving her boyfriend if she could. Impossible waiting. But she knew things could not go on as they were.

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